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Centuries ago, civilisations dating back to the 7th century B.C. discovered the potential of using solar energy and glass to ignite flames. Although this is far from the modern-day conversion of solar energy into electricity, it highlights our enduring fascination with the sun and its capabilities.

What is solar & battery?

A solar and battery system generates solar power from, you guessed it, solar panels, and stores that energy in a battery bank. When scaled up to the correct size, you can rely entirely on the sun for power but still remain connected to the grid in case poor weather steals your sunshine. In certain instances you can even feed back into the grid and have your electricity bill credited!



In 1954, G.L. Pearson, C.S. Fuller, and D.M. Chapin

Something New Under the Sun. It's the Bell Solar Battery, made of thin discs of specially treated silicon.and

ingredient of common sand. It converts the sun's rays directly into usable amounts of electricity. Simple and

trouble-free. (The storage batteries beside the solar battery store up its electricity for night use.)






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